submit Stream¶
stream is a part of the Orchestration Pipeline. Messages are processed by runner service.
- runner service.
Message Headers¶
stream doesn't use additional headers.
Message Format¶
stream carries JSON-encoded messages of several types. The type of message is encoded in the $op
field. Unknown message types and malformed messages are discarded.
submit message¶
messages represent a new job group request.
Field | Type | Description |
$op | String | Equals to submit |
name | String | Job name, unique within job group (common parent) |
action | String | Name of the action. Mutual exclusive with jobs |
description | String | Optional description. |
labels | Array of String | List of labels. |
allow_fail | Boolean | If set to true, FAILED job became WARNING |
locks | Array of String | Optional list of lock names. Lock names are jinja2 template variables, in where environment is used as content. |
inputs | Array of Object | List of input mappigs. |
name | String | Name of the input parameter, action-specific |
value | String | Parameter value. Jinja2 template in where the environment is used as context. If job parameter is set, the job result is exposed as result context variable. |
job | String | Optional job name. |
require_approval | Boolean | Job will be created in PENDING status |
depends_on | Array of String | List of dependencies. Dependencies are the names of the jobs from the same group. Circular dependensies are not allowed |
environment | Object | Dict of evrironment variables and their values, available for same job and exposed to all children |
jobs | Array of Object | List of nested jobs. Mutual exclusive with actions |