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dispose.POOL Stream

dispose.POOL stream is a part of Events Pipeline. Message processed by classifier service which may be related with alarm condition are passed to correlator service.

Each system Pool has separate dispose stream instance. i.e. DEFAULT pool will use dispose.DEFAULT stream, while CORE pool will use dispose.CORE stream.



Message Headers

dispose stream doesn't use additional headers.

Message Format

dispose stream carries JSON-encoded messages of several types. The type of message is encoded in the $op field. Unknown message types and malformed messages are discarded.

event message

event messages represent classified events that may raise and clear alarms.

$opStringEquals to event
event_idStringRegistered event id
eventObject Event data

raise message

raise message represents a direct alarm rising request, issued by an external mechanism.

$opStringEquals to raise
referenceStringAlarm reference. See alarm reference format for details
timestampStringOptional timestamp in ISO 8601 format
managed_objectStringManaged Object'd ID. If prefixed with bi_id: use BI ID.
alarm_classStringAlarm class name
groupsArray of Object Optional static groups
referenceStringOptional Group Alarm reference. See alarm reference format for details
nameStringOptional group name
alarm_classStringOptional group alarm class name
varsObject Alarm variables
labelsArray of StringOptional list of alarm labels
remote_systemStringOptional Remote System ID
remote_idStringOptional Remote ID

clear message

clear message represents a direct alarm clear request, issued by an external mechanism.

$opStringEquals to clear
referenceStringAlarm reference. Should be the same as in previous raise message.
timestampStringOptional timestamp in ISO 8601 format

clearid message

clearid message represents a direct alarm clear request, issued by an external mechanism.

$opStringEquals to clearid
idStringAlarm id
timestampStringOptional timestamp in ISO 8601 format
messageStringOptional closing message
sourceStringOptional closing source/user

ensure_group message

ensure_group message creates and synchronizes group with given set of alarms.

$opStringEquals to ensure_group
referenceStringAlarm reference. See alarm reference format for details
nameStringGroup alarm title
alarm_classStringOptional group alarm class
labelsArray of StringOptional list of group alarm labels
alarmsArray of Object List of active alarms
referenceStringAlarm reference. See alarm reference format for details
timestampStringOptional timestamp in ISO 8601 format
managed_objectStringManaged Object'd ID
alarm_classStringAlarm class name
varsObject Alarm variables
labelsArray of StringOptional list of alarm labels