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NBI path API

NBI path API allows to trace possible paths in discovered network topology considering extra constraints.


POST /api/nbi/path

Trace k-shortest paths over network topology considering constraints.

Example Request

POST /api/nbi/path  HTTP/1.1
Private-Token: 12345

    "from": <path start specification>,
    "to": <path end specification>,
    "config": <path config specification>,
    "constraints": <path constraint specification>

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/json

    "status": true,
    "time": 0.012,
    "paths": [
            "path": [
                    "links": [
                            "objects": [
                                    "interfaces": [
                                        "Eth 1/27"
                                    "object": {
                                        "address": "",
                                        "bi_id": 1362320908973547200,
                                        "id": 40046,
                                        "name": "sw1"
                                    "interfaces": [
                                        "Eth 1/52"
                                    "object": {
                                        "address": "",
                                        "bi_id": 6072199926162248000,
                                        "id": 17918,
                                        "name": "sw2"
            "cost": {
                "l2": 6

Request Parameters

from (object)
Start of path reference (See Path Start Specification)
to (object)
End of path reference (See Path End Specification)
config (object)
Configuration (See Path Config Specification)
constraints (object)
Path Constraints (See Path Constraints Specification)

Request Headers

API Key with nbi:path API access

Response Parameters

status (bool)
Request status, true if success
error (string)
Error text, only if status is false.
time (float)
Request processing time in seconds.
paths (array of objects)
Paths found, only if status is true.

HTTP Status Codes


Path Start Specification

Path Start specified as value of from request key and can be either Managed Object, interface or service reference.

Managed Object By Id

    "object": {
        "id": 12345

Where 12345 is the Managed Object Id

Managed Object By Id and Interface Name

    "object": {
        "id": 12345
    "interface": {
        "name": "Gi 0/1"

Where 12345 is the Managed Object Id and Gi O/1 is the normalized interface name.

Managed Object By Remote Id

    "object": {
        "remote_system": "6789",
        "remote_id": "1011"

Where 6789 is the Remote System Id and 1011 is the Managed Object Id in Remote System.

Managed Object By Remote Id and Interface

    "object": {
        "remote_system": "6789",
        "remote_id": "1011"
    "interface": {
        "name": "Gi 0/1"

Where 6789 is the Remote System Id, 1011 is the Managed Object Id in Remote System and Gi O/1 is the normalized interface name.

Interface by Id

    "interface": {
        "id": "1234567"

Where 1234567 is the Interface Id

Service by Id

    "service": {
        "id": 12345

Where 12345 is the Service Id

Service by Remote Id

    "service": {
        "remote_system": "6789",
        "remote_id": "1011"

Where 6789 is the Service Id and 1011 is the Service Id in Remote System.

Service by Order Id

    "service": {
        "order_id": "1234"

Where 1234 is Order Fulfilment order id. Or:

    "service": {
        "order_id": "1234",
        "remote_system": "5678"

The same, but restricted to remote system id 5678

Path End Specification

Path End specified as value of to request key.

  • Explicit specification

  • Managed Object

  • Interface
  • Service

  • Implicit specification

  • Object level

Managed Object By Id

    "object": {
        "id": 12345

Where 12345 is the Managed Object Id

Managed Object By Id and Interface Name

    "object": {
        "id": 12345
    "interface": {
        "name": "Gi 0/1"

Where 12345 is the Managed Object Id and Gi O/1 is the normalized interface name.

Managed Object By Remote Id

    "object": {
        "remote_system": "6789",
        "remote_id": "1011"

Where 6789 is the Remote Service Id and 1011 is the Managed Object Id in Remote System.

Managed Object By Remote Id and Interface

    "object": {
        "remote_system": "6789",
        "remote_id": "1011"
    "interface": {
        "name": "Gi 0/1"

Where 6789 is the Remote System Id, 1011 is the Managed Object Id in Remote System and Gi O/1 is the normalized interface name.

Interface by Id

    "interface": {
        "id": "1234567"

Where 1234567 is the Interface Id

Service by Id

    "service": {
        "id": 12345

Where 12345 is the Service Id

Service by Remote Id

    "service": {
        "remote_system": "6789",
        "remote_id": "1011"

Where 6789 is the Service Id and 1011 is the Service Id in Remote System.

By Object Level

    "level": 30

Specify path end by reaching Managed Object Level greater than specified.

Path Config Specification

Path Config specified as value of config request key.

    "max_depth": 10,
    "n_shortest": 2


  • max_depth - Restrict search depth up to max_depth nodes.
  • n_shortest - Return up to n_shortest paths.

Path Constraints Specification

Path Constraints are specified as value of constraints request key.

Explicit VLAN

    "vlan": {
        "vlan": 1234,
        "strict": false

Restrict paths to links having VLAN 1234, either tagged or untagged. strict parameter enforces additional checking:

  • true - VLAN must be present on both sides of the link.
  • false - VLAN must be present at least on one side of the link.

Implicit VLAN

    "vlan": {
        "interface_untagged": true,
        "strict": true

Get untagged vlan from start of path interface and restrict path to links having this VLAN, either tagged or untagged.

strict parameter enforces additional checking:

  • true - VLAN must be present on both sides of the link.
  • false - VLAN must be present at least on one side of the link.

Upward Direction

    "upwards": true

Forces upward direction of path. i.e. Managed Object Level of each next object of the path may not be less that level of current object. Effectively speed-ups path finding by denying descending to lower levels of networks.