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snmptrap MX Message

snmptrap message is generated by trapcollector service when managed object SNMP Trap is received.

Message Headers

Type of message. Always snmptrap.
Key for consistent sharding.
Managed Object's effective labels.

Message Format

Message contains JSON object, containing objects of following structure

timestampDateTimeISO 8601 timestamp (i.e. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS) of collected metrics
message_idStringGlobal message identifier
collector_typeStringAlways snmptrap
collectorStringCollector Pool
addressStringSNMP Trap Source Address
managed_objectObject Managed Object details
idStringManaged Object's ID
remote_systemObject Source remote system for Managed Object
idStringExternal system's id
nameStringExternal system's name
nameStringManaged Object's name
remote_idStringExternal system's id (Opaque attribbute)
bi_idIntegerManaged Object's BI ID
administrative_domainObject Administrative Domain details
idStringAdministrative Domain's ID
nameStringAdministrative Domain's name
remote_idStringManaged Object Administrative Domain's ID in Remote System (if any)
remote_systemObject Source remote system for Managed Object Administrative Domain
{{ tab4 }} idStringExternal system's id
{{ tab4 }} nameStringExternal system's name
labelsArray of StringManaged Object's labels
dataObject SNMP Trap message body content
varsArray of SNMP Trap varbinds
oidStringVar OID
valueStringVar value
value_rawStringVar in PDU value with base64 encode
raw_pduArray of SNMP Trap varbinds


  "timestamp": "2022-06-20T10:07:15",
  "message_id": "3d6a2405-447c-44e7-b885-7a2deb43a26a",
  "collector_type": "snmptrap",
  "collector": "default",
  "address": "",
  "managed_object": {
    "id": "450",
    "bi_id": 7602684790455147111,
    "name": "device-1",
    "administrative_domain": {
      "id": 11,
      "name": "default",
      "remote_system": {
        "id": "596e715fc165cf1e082ea14c",
        "name": "TEST"
      "remote_id": "1"
    "labels": [],
    "remote_system": {
      "id": "596e715fc165cf1e082ea14c",
      "name": "TEST"
    "remote_id": "22"
  "data": {
    "vars": [
        "oid": "",
        "value": 2294684216,
        "value_raw": "QwUAiMYaOA=="
        "oid": "",
        "value": "",
        "value_raw": ""
        "oid": "",
        "value": 10104,
        "value_raw": "AgIneA=="
        "oid": "",
        "value": 1,
        "value_raw": "AgEB"
        "oid": "",
        "value": 2,
        "value_raw": "AgEC"
        "oid": "",
        "value": "This is a Test",
        "value_raw": "BA5UaGlzIGlzIGEgVGVzdA=="