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alarm MX Message

alarm message is generated by datastream service on every alarm status change (raising, clearing, escalating, etc). Regardless of status change, alarm state is always passed as full structure.

Message Headers

Type of message. Always alarm.
DataStream Change ID, same as $changeid field.
Key for consistent sharding.
Managed Object's Profile Id.

Message Format

Message contains JSON with following fields:

idStringAlarm Id
$changeidStringDataStream Change ID
timestampStringISO 8601 timestamp (i.e. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS) of alarm rising
clear_timestampStringISO 8601 timestamp (i.e. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS) of alarm clearange (for closed alarms only)
severityIntegerAlarm severity
rootStringID of root alarm (for consequences only)
objectObject Managed Object
idStringManaged Object's ID
object_profileObject Managed Object Profile
idStringManaged Object Profile's ID
nameStringManaged Object Profile's Name
remote_systemObject Managed Object's Remote System (if imported)
idStringRemote System's ID
nameStringRemote System's Name
remote_idStringManaged Object's ID in Remote System (if any)
alarm_classStringAlarm Class
idStringAlarm Class' ID
nameStringAlarm Class' Name
varsObject Key-value dictionary of alarm's variables
reopensIntegerNumber of alarm's reopens
tagsObject Alarm tags
escalationObject Escalation data (if escalated)
timestampStringEscalation timestamp in ISO 8601 format
tt_systemObject TT System to escalate
idStringTT System's ID
nameStringTT System's name
errorStringEscalation error text (if any)
tt_idStringTT ID
close_timestampStringEscalation closing timestamp in ISO 8601 format (if closed)
close_errorStringEscalation closing error text (if any)
direct_servicesObject Summary of services directly affected by alarm
profileObject Service Profile
idStringService Profile's ID
nameStringService Profile's name
summaryIntegerNumber of affected services
total_servicesObject Summary of services directly affected by alarm and all consequences
profileObject Service Profile
idStringService Profile's ID
nameStringService Profile's name
summaryStringNumber of affected services
direct_subscribersObject Summary of subscribers directly affected by alarm
profileObject Subscriber Profile
idStringSubscriber Profile's ID
nameStringSubscriber Profile's name
summaryIntegerSubscriber Profile's summary
total_subscribersObject Summary of subscribers directly affected by alarm and all consequences
profileObject Subscriber Profile
idStringSubscriber Profile's ID
nameStringSubscriber Profile's name
summaryIntegerSubscriber Profile's summary