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Model Interfaces Reference

The NOC's inventory enables the storage of additional data in the Model Interfaces. Each Model Interface comprises attributes that convey specific physical or logical meanings. We define each Model Interface to serve a particular task, such as dimensions, weight measurements, power consumption, and more. NOC provides a wide range of built-in model interfaces, and users can create their own interfaces for their unique tasks.

This section details the Model Interfaces available in NOC, their attributes, and how they find application in various scenarios.

Built-in Model Interfaces

Model InterfaceDescription
addressExternal GIS system bindings
agentNOC Agent's bindings
airflowAirflow direction for cooling
assetInventory reference, asset, and serial numbers
capsObject's capabilities
contactsAdministrative, billing and technical contacts for container (PoP, Room, Rack)
containerDenotes object containers
cpeCPE bindings
cpuCPU capabilities
dimensionsPhysical dimensions, like length, width, and height
dwdmDWDM transponders capabilities
geopointGeographical coordinates
hwlimitsHardware limits of the devices
lengthCable length
managementManaged Object binding
modbusModbus endpoint configuration
opticalOptical transceiver capabilities
planPlan or scheme position
popPoint of Presence capabilities
powerPower consumption parameters
rackRack enclosures
rackmountRackmount equipment parameters and position
sectorAntenna sector position
splitterSplit optical/electrical input power to outputs with given gain
stackIndication of stack/virtual chassis/cluster
twinaxTwinax transceiver (two transceivers connected by cable in the assembly)
weightWeight properties