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How to migrate from Liftbridge to Kafka

From some moment Liftbridge service didn't go well in production and become abandoned as a project, so we decided to switch main queue to Kafka

Tower settings:

  1. Uncheck all liftbridge and nats services, they won't be needed anymore.

  2. Decide how many kafka node will be in your cluster. Possible amount: 1, 3, 5. 1 is a minimum cluster.

  3. Check kafka services on needed nodes. Fill Kafka Cluster Id if you want, and make sure it's the same on each node. Fill JVM memory limit, 1Gb will be enough for small installation.

  4. Please be sure that you use consul for your settings management(It happens when you have "consul://consul/noc," in Config Load Preference Path in main page ENV in Tower), otherwise you need to add settings to your local config file in /opt/noc/etc/settings.yml:

  addresses: kafka
  client_class: noc.core.msgstream.redpanda.RedPandaClient
  1. Deploy

  2. After success, you can delete old services from system

systemctl stop liftbridge
systemctl stop nats-server
systemctl disable liftbridge
systemctl disable nats-server
rm -rf /var/lib/liftbridge/*