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Installing NOC using Gufo Thor

Gufo Thor is a simple tool designed for quickly setting up and evaluating NOC. It's tailored for new NOC users who want to assess NOC's capabilities and NOC developers who need a fast development environment. Thor takes care of the complexity of NOC management, making the process straightforward.


To use Thor, make sure you have the following software packages installed:

  • Docker
  • docker-compose or the compose plugin
  • Python 3.8+

Installation Methods

System-Level Installation

For dedicated NOC hosts, use this installation method. It installs Thor and all required libraries into the system default location.

curl | sh

After installation, NOC will be launched, and your browser will open at

Log in using the following credentials:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: admin

Python VENV Installation

For evaluation, testing, and development purposes, use this installation method. It creates a dedicated Python virtual environment (venv) and isolates Thor along with all dependent libraries from other systems.

python -m venv .
. ./bin/activate
curl | sh

After installation, NOC will be launched, and your browser will open at

Log in using the following credentials:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: admin

Later, when using Thor, make sure to activate the virtual environment (venv):

. ./bin/activate

Using NOC

Startig NOC

gufo-thor up

Stopping NOC

gufo-thor stop

Further Reading

Refer to the Gufo Thor Documentation for more in-depth details.