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Workflow is an abstract representation of real Work or Process. Workflow may refer to Managed Object, Service, Physical and Logical Resource that is being transferred from one State to another. Workflow describes lifetime cycle of given Resource as finite set of States. Every time Resource must be exactly in one State, referred as Current State. Current State cannot be changed in arbitrary fashion. Instead, Workflow defines possible Transitions between States. So Workflow may be considered as Directed Graph, where States are vertices, and Transitions are edges.

Workflows are attached to Resources via Profiles. Resources of same type may have different Workflows. i.e. "Customer VLAN" and "Management VLAN" VLAN Profiles may use different Workflows.


State is the single distingushed state in Resource's lifetime.

Default State

One and only one State of Workflow must be marked as Default State. NOC automatically assigns Default State to new Resources when State is not given explicitly. Proper Workflow determined via Resource's Profile.

Productive State

State may be marked as Productive.


Further versions of NOC will use Productive State to indicate that Managed Object may be discovered and monitored

Liveness Tracking









Describe Workflow Migrations

Best Practices

Free State

Ready State

Cooldown State

Reserved State

External Jobs

Device Configuration


Default Workflow

graph TD

When Process considers the Resource has no designated states, simple Workflow with one "Ready" State may be used. NOC provides "Default" workflow out-of-the box.

Resource Default Workflow

graph TD
    Free -->|reserve| Reserved
    Free -->|seen| Ready
    Reserved -->|expired| Free
    Reserved -->|approve| Approved
    Approved -->|seen| Ready
    Ready -->|suspend| Suspended
    Ready -->|expired| Cooldown
    Suspended -->|resume| Ready
    Cooldown -->|seen| Ready
    Cooldown -->|expired| Free