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Technology is an abstraction which implies restriction on Resource Groups, their Services and Clients and their connections. Technology can be formulated as assertion

Services do technology for clients

Or in simplified case, without clients

Services are groupped together to do technology

Technology is a predicate

technology(services, clients)




Technology settings are:

  • service_model - Database model (i.e. sa.ManagedObject) used to provide service. Empty value means groupping element, not providing services
  • client_model - Database model (like in service_model) used to consume service.
  • single_service - Service resource may join only one Resource Group of given technology.
  • single_client - Client resource may join only one Resource Group of given technology.
  • allow_children - Resource Group of given technology allows children groups and can be node of hierarchy.


NOC provides lots of technologies out of box. See Technologies Reference for details.