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Container is a part of local logical hierarchy allowing to organize Managed Objects in any desired way. Each container can hold other containers building container tree. Container tree is accessible via Inventory Web of via Card

Container can be any of Container Types


Top-level of container hierarchy


Arbitrary group on any level of hierarchy


Start of political division representing given country.


Start of geographic division representing city, town or any other type of habitation.

Point of Presence

Point of Presence (PoP), i.e. the place where equipment is placed. PoPs are distinguished by level, which it takes in network hierarchy. Possible levels are (from top to bottom)

  • International - PoP holds equipment for trans-border interconnects. Usually a subject for the national regulations.
  • National - PoP holds equipment for trans-regional interconnects within the single country. May be subject for the national regulations.
  • Regional - PoP holds equipment for inter-regional interconnects.
  • Core - PoP holds local network core equipment.
  • Aggregation - PoP holds utility equpment to aggregate customer connections before entering the core.
  • Access - PoP holds equipment for customer access

PoPs are visible on geographic maps. Level of PoP is important to detect zoom levels to show the PoP. International - level PoPs are visible ever on worldwide scale, while National and Region may require additional zooming. Even more zoom is required to show Core and Aggregation PoPs, while Access level became visible on home- and block- scales.


Represents single floor inside PoP


Represents a single room. May be nested into Floor or Point of Presence.

Rack Row

A row of Rack, used for additional Rack grouping. May be nested into Room.


Single equipment rack. May be nested into Rack Row, Room or into Point of Presence.