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Event Class

Describes the value of an event that enters the system, as well as the place where its settings are stored.


  • Name - the name of the event class. Must be unique, uses category notation separated by |
  • Text - a block of event description settings
    • Description - a brief description
    • Subject Template - event title template displayed in the interface.
    • Body template - event body template displayed when viewing the event
    • Symptoms - description of possible symptoms that caused the event
    • Probable Causes - possible causes
    • Recommended Actions - actions to be taken to resolve the event
  • Severity
    • Default Severity -
    • Unique - Alarm can only exist in singular
    • User Clearable - The user can clear the alarm
    • Ephemeral - the alarm is not archived, it only exists in active form
    • Reference - list of key alarm variables
  • Variables
    • Name
    • Description
    • Default
  • Data Sources
    • Name
    • Data source
    • Search
  • Components
    • Name
    • Model - data model
    • Arguments
      • Parameter
      • Variable
  • Root Cause
    • Name
    • Root - reference to the alarm class
    • Window - correlation time window
    • Condition - current alarm matching conditions
    • Match Condition - matching criteria with the root cause (Root)
  • Topology RCA - topology correlation, setting is not displayed, only performed for the Ping Failed class
  • Tasks - ~~not used~~
  • Handlers
    • Open Handler
    • Clear Handler
  • Plugins
    • Name
    • Configuration
  • Timer Settings (Timing)
    • (Flap Condition)
    • (Flap Window)
    • (Flap Threshold)
    • Recovery Time

Description of Operation

The settings of the event class affect the operation of the correlator,

Naming Rules

Event class names use category separation with the | symbol: <category1> | <category2> | <category3>, for each manufacturer, a separate category is allocated, and manufacturer-specific classes are added to it.